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In pomdapi, the Api class is the foundation for defining and calling endpoints. It can be extended to build Api such the HttpApi.

This document dissects the main concepts:

Concept Description
Endpoint definition Captures how your function transforms parameters into a request
BaseQueryConfig holds global configuration for your API calls (e.g., a base URL or shared headers).
BaseQueryConfig the low-level sync/async functions that actually peform the network operation

Read on for deeper understanding of how these piece fit together.

1. The Api class (Core)

1.1 Generic Type Parameters

class Api(Generic[RequestDefinitionGen, BaseQueryConfig, TResponse]):
  1. EndpointDefinitionGen: The shape or structure your endpoint returns. For an HTTP API, this is a RequestDefinition (i.e., which method, path, body, headers).

  2. BaseQueryConfig: A configuration object that’s available to all endpoints. For HTTP, this might store the base_url or a function to prepare headers.

  3. TResponse : The type your endpoint’s responses will produce.

The Api class uses these generics to remain flexible: it doesn’t know or care how you’ll do your network calls—it only provides the structure for defining endpoints and optionally caching responses.

1.2 Storing Endpoints

The Api class has a dictionary:

endpoints: dict[str, EndpointDefinition[EndpointDefinitionGen]] = field(default_factory=dict)
  • each endpoint is keyed by name (e.g., "getRepoIssue")
  • the value is an EndpointDefinition, which includes:
    • request_fn: The user's decorated fucntion that builds a RequestDefinition
    • is_query_endpoint: a flag inidcation query vs mutation ```