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Hands-On Overview

This document introduces the main concepts and shows you how to build and call queries/mutations with the built-in HTTP implementation.

1. Basic Concepts

1.1 The Api Class

  • The central building block in PomdAPI.
  • Manages:
    1. Endpoint definitions (query vs. mutation)
    2. Base query config (common settings, like a base URL or default headers)
    3. Base query function (the function actually performing requests)
    4. Caching (tag-based invalidation, optional but powerful)

1.2 HTTP Implementation

  • HttpApi is a subclass of Api specialized for HTTP calls.
  • Uses httpx under the hood.
  • Exposes decorators @http_api.query(...) and @http_api.mutation(...) to define endpoints.
  • A typical request is described by a RequestDefinition: method, path, body, and headers.

1.3 Tag-Based Caching

  • You can attach one or more tags to an endpoint’s response.
  • Queries provide tags, so their responses are cached under those tags.
  • Mutations invalidate tags, telling the cache to discard any data associated with them.

Why use tags?
Fine-grained cache invalidation. For example, an endpoint returning Issue #42 can be tagged with type=Issue, id=42. Later, a mutation that updates issue #42 can automatically invalidate that single entry.

2. Setting Up an HTTP Api

Below is a minimal example for GitHub’s REST API. We’ll create a HttpApi with a base URL and optional caching.

```python from pomdapi.api.http import HttpApi, BaseQueryConfig from pomdapi.cache.in_memory import InMemoryCache

1) Define your base config

config = BaseQueryConfig( base_url="", # Optionally inject extra headers prepare_headers=lambda headers: { "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", **headers } )

2) (Optional) Create a cache

cache = InMemoryCache()

3) Instantiate the HttpApi

github_api = HttpApi.from_defaults( base_query_config=config, cache=cache )