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Core Caching

Cache dataclass

Bases: Generic[EndpointDefinitionGen, TResponse]

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
class Cache(Generic[EndpointDefinitionGen, TResponse]):
    _backend: CacheBackend
    _ttl: int = 60

    def key_from_req(endpoint_name: str, request: EndpointDefinitionGen) -> str:
        return f"{endpoint_name}/{request}"

    def key_from_tag(tag: str | Tag) -> str:
        return f"tag/{tag}"

    def get_by_request(
        endpoint_name: str,
        request: EndpointDefinitionGen,
    ) -> Optional[TResponse]:
        key = self.key_from_req(endpoint_name, request)
        return self._backend.get(key)

    async def aget_by_request(
        endpoint_name: str,
        request: EndpointDefinitionGen,
    ) -> Optional[TResponse]:
        """Get a response from the cache by request."""
        key = self.key_from_req(endpoint_name, request)
        return await self._backend.aget(key)

    def get_by_tags(
        endpoint_name: str,
        tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
    ) -> Optional[TResponse]:
        """Get a response from the cache by tags."""
        for tag in tags:
            key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
            if response := self._backend.get(key):
                return response

    async def aget_by_tags(
        endpoint_name: str,
        tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
    ) -> Optional[TResponse]:
        """Get a response from the cache by tags."""
        for tag in tags:
            key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
            if response := await self._backend.aget(key):
                return response

    def set(
        endpoint_name: str,
        request: EndpointDefinitionGen,
        tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
        response: TResponse,
        ttl: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Set a response in the cache."""
        request_key = self.key_from_req(endpoint_name, request)
        self._backend.set(request_key, response, ttl=ttl)
        for tag in tags:
            key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
            self._backend.set(key, request_key, ttl=ttl)

    async def aset(
        endpoint_name: str,
        request: EndpointDefinitionGen,
        tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
        response: TResponse,
        ttl: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Set a response in the cache."""
        request_def_key = self.key_from_req(endpoint_name, request)
        async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg:
            tg.create_task(self._backend.aset(request_def_key, response, ttl=ttl))
            for tag in tags:
                key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
                tg.create_task(self._backend.aset(key, request_def_key, ttl=ttl))

    def invalidate_tags(self, endpoint_name: str, tags: Iterable[str | Tag]) -> None:
        """Invalidate a response from the cache by tags."""
        for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
            tag_key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
            if i == 0:
                if (request_key := self._backend.get(tag_key)):

    async def ainvalidate_tags(
        self, endpoint_name: str, tags: Iterable[str | Tag]
    ) -> None:
        """Invalidate a response from the cache by tags."""
        async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg:
            for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
                tag_key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
                if i == 0:
                    if (request_key := await self._backend.aget(tag_key)):

aget_by_request(endpoint_name, request) async

Get a response from the cache by request.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
async def aget_by_request(
    endpoint_name: str,
    request: EndpointDefinitionGen,
) -> Optional[TResponse]:
    """Get a response from the cache by request."""
    key = self.key_from_req(endpoint_name, request)
    return await self._backend.aget(key)

aget_by_tags(endpoint_name, tags) async

Get a response from the cache by tags.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
async def aget_by_tags(
    endpoint_name: str,
    tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
) -> Optional[TResponse]:
    """Get a response from the cache by tags."""
    for tag in tags:
        key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
        if response := await self._backend.aget(key):
            return response

ainvalidate_tags(endpoint_name, tags) async

Invalidate a response from the cache by tags.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
async def ainvalidate_tags(
    self, endpoint_name: str, tags: Iterable[str | Tag]
) -> None:
    """Invalidate a response from the cache by tags."""
    async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg:
        for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
            tag_key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
            if i == 0:
                if (request_key := await self._backend.aget(tag_key)):

aset(endpoint_name, request, tags, response, ttl=None) async

Set a response in the cache.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
async def aset(
    endpoint_name: str,
    request: EndpointDefinitionGen,
    tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
    response: TResponse,
    ttl: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
    """Set a response in the cache."""
    request_def_key = self.key_from_req(endpoint_name, request)
    async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg:
        tg.create_task(self._backend.aset(request_def_key, response, ttl=ttl))
        for tag in tags:
            key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
            tg.create_task(self._backend.aset(key, request_def_key, ttl=ttl))

get_by_tags(endpoint_name, tags)

Get a response from the cache by tags.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
def get_by_tags(
    endpoint_name: str,
    tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
) -> Optional[TResponse]:
    """Get a response from the cache by tags."""
    for tag in tags:
        key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
        if response := self._backend.get(key):
            return response

invalidate_tags(endpoint_name, tags)

Invalidate a response from the cache by tags.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
def invalidate_tags(self, endpoint_name: str, tags: Iterable[str | Tag]) -> None:
    """Invalidate a response from the cache by tags."""
    for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
        tag_key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
        if i == 0:
            if (request_key := self._backend.get(tag_key)):

set(endpoint_name, request, tags, response, ttl=None)

Set a response in the cache.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
def set(
    endpoint_name: str,
    request: EndpointDefinitionGen,
    tags: Iterable[str | Tag],
    response: TResponse,
    ttl: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
    """Set a response in the cache."""
    request_key = self.key_from_req(endpoint_name, request)
    self._backend.set(request_key, response, ttl=ttl)
    for tag in tags:
        key = self.key_from_tag(tag)
        self._backend.set(key, request_key, ttl=ttl)


Bases: Protocol

Protocol defining the interface for cache backends.

Implementations must provide both synchronous and asynchronous methods for basic cache operations (get, set, delete).


Name Description

Synchronously remove an item from cache


Asynchronously remove an item from cache


Synchronously retrieve an item from cache


Asynchronously retrieve an item from cache


Synchronously store an item in cache with optional TTL


Asynchronously store an item in cache with optional TTL

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
class CacheBackend(Protocol):
    """Protocol defining the interface for cache backends.

    Implementations must provide both synchronous and asynchronous methods
    for basic cache operations (get, set, delete).

        delete: Synchronously remove an item from cache
        adelete: Asynchronously remove an item from cache
        get: Synchronously retrieve an item from cache
        aget: Asynchronously retrieve an item from cache
        set: Synchronously store an item in cache with optional TTL
        aset: Asynchronously store an item in cache with optional TTL
    def delete(self, key: str) -> None:
        """Synchronously delete a cache entry by key."""

    async def adelete(self, key: str) -> None:
        """Asynchronously delete a cache entry by key."""

    def get(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Synchronously get a cache entry by key."""

    async def aget(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Asynchronously get a cache entry by key."""

    def set(self, key: str, value: Any, ttl: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Synchronously set a cache entry with optional TTL in seconds."""

    async def aset(
        self, key: str, value: Any, ttl: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Asynchronously set a cache entry with optional TTL in seconds."""

adelete(key) async

Asynchronously delete a cache entry by key.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
async def adelete(self, key: str) -> None:
    """Asynchronously delete a cache entry by key."""

aget(key) async

Asynchronously get a cache entry by key.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
async def aget(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]:
    """Asynchronously get a cache entry by key."""

aset(key, value, ttl=None) async

Asynchronously set a cache entry with optional TTL in seconds.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
async def aset(
    self, key: str, value: Any, ttl: Optional[int] = None
) -> None:
    """Asynchronously set a cache entry with optional TTL in seconds."""


Synchronously delete a cache entry by key.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
def delete(self, key: str) -> None:
    """Synchronously delete a cache entry by key."""


Synchronously get a cache entry by key.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
def get(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]:
    """Synchronously get a cache entry by key."""

set(key, value, ttl=None)

Synchronously set a cache entry with optional TTL in seconds.

Source code in src/pomdapi/core/
def set(self, key: str, value: Any, ttl: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    """Synchronously set a cache entry with optional TTL in seconds."""